1. What type of Marie Curie Projects are there in Framework 7?
There are a number of differing types of Marie Curie Actions in FP7. In addition to the straightforward Intra European Fellowships, there are a variety of different schemes which are detailed below. Generally Marie Curie actions can be divided into 2 main types:
Host Driven Actions – researchers may apply to an institution that has been selected by the EC for a host driven action. These include:
- Initial Training Networks (ITNs)
- Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPPs)
Individual Driven Actions – researchers may prepare a project together with host institutions and submit these to the EC. These include:
- Intra-European Fellowships(IEFs)
- International Incoming Fellowships (IIFs)
- International Outgoing Fellowships (IOFs)
- European Reintegration Grants (ERGs)
- International Reintegration Actions (Reint)
In addition there are two one-off Specific Actions – Marie Curie Awards (prize award) and Researcher’s Nights (public open evenings).
Each type of Marie Curie award has differing eligible expenditure and reporting requirements. Please select your type of award below for details on the calculation of your EC budget and how this appears in the University Financial System (UFS) budget. Please note that the UFS set up has significantly changed from FP6.
- Cooperation Programme
- Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN)
- Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship (IEF)
- Marie Curie Industry Academia Partnership Pathways (IAPP)
- Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships & International Outgoing Fellowships (IIF/IOF)
- Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant & International Reintegration Grant (ERG/IRG)
The EC shall make an initial pre-financing payment. Interim payments of the Community financial contribution shall be made corresponding to the amount accepted for each financial management reporting period. The total amount of pre-financing shall not exceed 90% of the maximum Community financial contribution so the full budget will not be received until the end of the project.
The completion of timesheets is necessary on all FP7 projects. Please refer to the Timesheets & Framework 7 page. FP7 allows the charging of permanent staff to EC projects for the first time. Any audit of an FP7 grant will require the verification of hours worked, even if 100% of time is to be spent on the project (NB confirmation being sought from UKRO, further information will follow). Monthly timesheets must therefore be completed for all staff employed or charged to an FP7 grant.
VAT continues to be an ineligible cost on FP7 grants and as such, cannot be claimed from the EC. However this VAT is no longer reclaimable from HM Revenue and Customs. This means that VAT incurred on FP7 grants is an additional cost which departments will need to fund from their share of departmental overheads earned.
The Marie Curie Reporting Guide for FP7 has not yet been published by the EC. Further details on reporting will be issued once the guidelines have been published. Reports must be submitted within strict deadlines at the end of each reporting period (normally 1 month after period ends). These reports include a publishable summary of the project, an explanation of the use of resources and a financial statement (Form C as in FP6).
Your financial statement (Form C) may require an audit in order to obtain a certificate on the financial statement. This replaces the audit certificate in FP6. The requirements for audit have significantly changed in FP7. A certificate on the financial statement is only ever required once expenditure exceeds €375,000 so projects where the EC contribution is less than this will not be audited, even at the project end. For grants of 2 years or less then only one audit is required at the end of the project (even if €400,000 is spent in the 1st period no audit is required until the end of the project).